Thursday, March 17, 2016

ICE Conference 2016: Jill Heaton

During the last week of February, thirteen teachers from York were able to attend the ICE Conference.  The ICE Conference is an annual gathering for educators from across the state who want to share and learn more about how technology and innovative teaching can be used to help their students learn.  Throughout this week, teachers who attended the conference will be sharing a bit of what they learned at the conference.  

Here were a few tips and highlights that I (Jill) took away from the conference:

  • The QFT (Question Formulation Technique) is really catching on.  I first learned about it in January from Mike & Ryan's session at our #YorkShares16 institute day, but it was mentioned in at least 3 different sessions I attended at ICE.  It is a powerful way to structure student inquiry and engage students.
  • If I was still in the classroom, I'd be all about trying out this way to combine flipped, differentiated, and mastery learning. The flow chart had me geeking out.
  • York teachers are doing so many great things with technology, and in many ways we're ahead of the curve.  While I was there, I was thinking of the many teachers here who could have led sessions at ICE about the innovative things they're doing in their classrooms.  I can't wait to see you presenting next year!

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