YouTube has recently enabled an option to browse in "safety mode", which was designed to help prevent users from stumbling across inappropriate content. Occasionally, educational content gets flagged as inappropriate.
If this happens to you or your students, scroll to the bottom of YouTube and turn safety mode off.
We have an exciting announcement to make; Google Sites is now open to York Students! This means your students can create their own websites for school use. They do have the ability to publish their sites to the public, as well as keep them within If/when you are planning to use Google Sites with your students, this would be a good time to address the appropriate uses of technology and their digital footprints.
Information on the seven internet safety strands from the State of Illinois can be found here. A nice collection of digital citizenship resources curated by "Cybraryman" can be found here.
If you are interested in training on Google Sites, please let us know! Google Sites is a great tool for ePortfolios and Teacher Websites!